The Magistracy Building – The National Museum of Pancevo

The building was built between 1833 and 1838; according to the design plans of a military frontier architect, major Heimann.Its original purpose was for it to be the building of Magistracy-an administrative center with the dominant position on the main square. Today it is the building of the National Museum of the city of Pancevo. It is a massive construction designed in theclassicistic style. Its basis forms a reversed Cyrillic letter P, its main corpus is prominentand square oriented and somewhat lower lateral wings were constructed in later days. The building consists of the ground floor and the first floor horizontally divided witha cornice. Horizontal division of the building includes a roof cornice as well.The main emphasis of the symmetrical composition of the front façade is on the central avant-corpsfront with its portals and pillars carrying a balcony with a balustrade and tympanum whose niche contains a relief depicting winged nymphs holding a clock. The windows ofthe ground floor are rectanglewith profiled window frames and strong lintels. The first floor has arched windows with lunettes under the projecting archivolts. The spatial organization and lavish decorative interiorcomplimenttheeminence and harmony of the architectural elements of the exterior. The reception hall was decorated in 1838 by Julius Seidel, a painter from Novi Sad. The preservation of the front façade was performed in 1995-96.

City: Pancevo