The building was constructed in 1847 according to the plans of Franz Brandeiz, replacing the old Stencer’s inn. It was initially intended to be a hotel. The first shareholding association in Vrsachad purchased the building,demolished it and built a new oneintending to establish the inn ‘Konkordija’. The building with its name ’Konkordija’ remained to the present day.However, in 1852 the Magistracybought the building intendingto turn it into a secondary school and therefore transformed it intoeducational facility, and in the later days into the museum. The building had been altered and expanded in 1884, according to the design of the original author, and thus changed into a monumental construction with its front façade, lateral and back wing. Its architectural design exhibits the characteristics of classicism. Its front façade is composed around the central frontonwith two lower lateral wings. At the center of the ground floor frontonis a wide arched gate and all the ground floor windows are in the shallow niche with cascadedarchivolts in the upper parts. The first floor of the central fronton is decorated with monumental fluted arched pilasters carrying Corinthian capitals between arched windows which differ from the rectangle windows of the lateral parts of the construction. At each end of the lateral façade there are shallow pilasters with projecting cornice instead of a capital. The wide friezeof the central fronton, abovethe beam carried by the pilasters, has an inscription.The preservation was performed in 1988 and 1994.